Neonatal Injuries

Any injuries suffered by a baby around the time of birth can be very serious and traumatic for all involved. In the immediate aftermath of birth the baby is particularly vulnerable, and any injuries sustained can have very serious, life-changing consequences. In the event of a baby suffering a neonatal injury, the family should speak to legal experts to figure out what their next steps should be.

Our friendly team is highly experienced in dealing with cases of this type. We take an understanding and sensitive approach, providing the assistance our clients need during what can be a particularly difficult time.

How can we help?

Neonatal injury examples

Neonatal injuries occur shortly after the birth of a baby and can be so serious that permanent disability, and even death, is a possibility. There are various types of neonatal injury and these can include:

  • Hip dysplasia – When a baby is born, hip dislocation is a serious risk. If this is not spotted in the neonatal period, it can have serious implications for the baby, who may require surgery to prevent walking difficulties later in life
  • Neonatal hypoglycaemia – This refers to low blood sugar in babies in the immediate period following birth. Brain damage is a possibility if this issue is not detected early enough
  • Another condition that can arise in the few days after birth is neonatal jaundice. Caused by a raised level of bilirubin, which itself is a condition known as hyperbilirubinaemia, jaundice relates to yellow colouration of the skin and the sclerae (the outer coat of the eyeball). This is a fairly rare neonatal injury, but can result in cerebral palsy and brain damage.

How we can help

Because of the seriousness of such injuries and their implications, a professional yet sympathetic law firm, who can lead your case and get the result you are after in a sensitive and understanding way, is what you need.

Please contact us now if you would like to speak to a solicitor in confidence about making a claim for compensation